Dr. Vera Tarman is interviewed for the “Fat Burning Man” podcast with Abel James about overcoming food addiction & how she dropped 100 pounds and kept it off.
Date: 01/03/2020 Duration: 1:05:20
In this second Podcast talking about food addiction in Kuwait with “The Project”, Dr.Vera Tarman and Meg talk about the effects of caffeine, carbs and sugar on your physical and mental health.
On “The Project Kuwait” – Psyched with Dr. D. and Dr. Vera Tarman, the author of “Food Junkies” a World Renown Food Addiction Expert. Join Dr Dinkha, Mahdi and Meg with Dr Vera Tarman, talking about food addiction in Kuwait.
The Project Podcast exists to lead, move, and inspire by helping people to create years of healthy living through shared advice and interviews on well-being. Each host and guest comes from wildly different backgrounds giving listeners a well-rounded perspective on the state of the health and wellness industry.
Dr. Vera Tarman is the Medical Director of Renascent, Canada’s largest drug and alcohol residential treatment centre. Dr. Tarman is currently overseeing Renascent’s unique 28-day live-in treatment program for women with food addiction.
Listen to Dr Tarman on UnPause your life
The Truth About Sugar Addiction with Dr. Vera Tarman
In this episode our topic is “The Truth about Sugar Addiction”. Our guest is Dr. Vera Tarman, author of Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction. Dr. Tarman has spoken extensively about many aspects of addiction but particularly food.
“Most of us have, at one time or another, struggled to say ‘no thanks’ when it comes to food. It’s difficult to close the bag of chips or refuse the extra cookie. It’s no wonder that more than 14 million Canadians are considered overweight or obese.”
Click Here to Listen to the Podcast and read the accompanying article
Addiction is about brains, not just about behaviors. We all have the brain reward circuitry that makes food rewarding; it’s a survival mechanism. In a healthy brain, these rewards have feedback mechanisms for satiety or “enough.” For some, the circuitry becomes dysfunctional such that the message becomes “more.” Michael Prager, author of Fat Boy Thin Man, will begin the discussion telling his very personal story of recognizing and then seeking treatment for his food addiction. Leading researchers and clinicians will discuss many aspects of this important topic.
Listen to the Food Addiction 2.0 Conference Replay
Sugar is just as addictive as some drugs, and should be treated like a serious drug habit. Matt Galloway spoke with Dr. Vera Tarman, she is an addiction specialist, and also the author of Food Junkies: The Truth About Food.
Vanessa Kredler on My interview with Dr Vera Tarman on her book Food Junkies
Dr. Vera Tarman is medical director of Renascent Treatment Center Toronto and a confessed food addict. In her book, Food Junkies, she outlines her controversial approach to food addiction. Tarman advocates abstinence from trigger foods such as sugar, fat, salt, flour and caffeine.
Addictions Unplugged
Dr. Vera Tarman
24 Montieth St.
Toronto, ON
M4Y 1K7
T: 416 323 3660