We are so excited to have author Sara Somers on this episode. For nearly 50 years she suffered from untreated food addiction. She wrote “Saving Sara” to provide readers with an inside view of a food addict’s mind, showcasing her experiences with obsessive cravings, compulsivity, and powerlessness regarding food. She hopes this book will not only help those still suffering from the disease of food addiction but also educate loved ones on the progression of the disease in order to promote life-saving conversations with those still suffering.
Food Junkies Podcast Ep17: Zippy Livneh
Listen in as Zippi tells Dr. Tarman and Molly about her personal and professional journeys, her AHA moment, how she works with food addiction clients in Israel, and how she helps her clients navigate traditions, holidays, feasting/fasting!
Food Junkies Podcast Ep16: Molly Carmel
Molly Carmel is the founder and director of Beacon in New York. She has a personal and professional story related to Food Addiction.
Today she talks to Molly and Clarissa about her story, how she works with clients in her harm-reduction clinic, her thoughts on Eating Disorder Treatment culture, what happened when she was accepted to do a presentation for the International Eating Disorders Conference, the four aspects of Food Addiction (especially volume and scales), addiction to dieting/diet culture, DBT as a therapeutic modality for working with clients, the greatest gift we can give our children, her next book, her NEW PODCAST, and of course: the signature question!
Food Junkies Podcast Ep15: Dr. Nicole Avena
Dr. Nicole Avena is a research neuroscientist and a pioneer in the field of food addiction. Her seminal research work jump-started a new field of exploration in medicine and nutrition.
Her research achievements have been honored by awards from several groups including the New York Academy of Sciences, the American Psychological Association, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Eating Disorders Association. She also maintains a blog, Food Junkie, with Psychology Today.
Food Junkies Podcast Ep14: Tony Vassallo
Don’t miss out on Tony telling us his personal journey and how he was finally able to bring his movie “Follow Me” to LIFE!!
Tony has an inspiring recovery journey with Food Addiction. At one point in his life, he experienced a multitude of metabolic issues such as Type II diabetes, hypertension, gout, acid reflux, sleep apnea, constant joint pain. In 2010, he began his life-changing journey of losing 130 pounds and has successfully maintained his weight loss.
Today, Tony has created MODA for MEN & facilitates a weekly weight loss support group in Toronto, conducts personal coaching sessions, and has designed Meal Plan for his clients. He is the author of two books and the Executive Producer of “Follow Me,” a documentary film exploring the journeys of sixteen individuals, in different spectrums of Food Addiction, who have all successfully sustained their weight loss…..some for over 30 years. It is definitely a must-see and we will put the link for it in our show notes.
Food Junkies Podcast Ep13: Michael Moss
Michael Moss is an investigative reporter who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for exploratory reporting in 2010.
He has worked for such prestigious institutions as the New York Times and Wall St Journal and is an adjunct professor at Columbia School of Journalism. He is the author of the best-seller Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants hooked Us and has a new book, fresh off the press – Hooked: Food, Free Will and How the Food Giants Exploit our Addictions.
Food Junkies Podcast Ep12: Ben Azadi
Ben Azadi is a 3x best-selling author, keto, and fasting educator
He is on a mission to help 1 billion people live a healthier lifestyle. Ben is known as ‘The Health Detective’ because he investigates dysfunction in the body, and educates, not medicates, to bring it back to normal function. He believes in the ancient wisdom within the body and that the world’s greatest physician lies within us.
Food Junkies Podcast Ep11: Dr. Jen Unwin
Dr. Jen Unwin BSc, MSc, DPsy, FBPsS is todays’ guest.
Dr. Vera Tarman and Molly Painschab ask Jen about her personal and professional journey. The ladies also briefly discuss the research and nomenclature involved in applying to the WHO and APA.
Jen and Vera even do a short-role play!
Dr. Jen Unwin’s book was JUST released: A Fork in the Road: A Hopeful Guide to Food Freedom. All proceeds go to the Public Health Collaboration
Food Junkies Podcast Ep10: Vinnie Tortorich
Fitness & weight loss expert Vinnie Tortorich, author of best-selling book “Fitness Confidential.” Vinnie promotes a ‘No Sugar No Grains’ (NSNG) lifestyle.
Listen to Vinnie Tortorich educate us on the role of the government and media in the perpetuation of Food Addiction.
Food Junkies Podcast Ep9: Belinda Fettke
On today’s episode we are very excited to be joined by researcher and low-carb/healthy-fat advocate, Belinda Fettke. She is a former Registered Nurse & current health disruptor. We discuss sugar/processed food addiction & the negative motives and biases that exist in the world of big pharma, big food, and “medical research.” We also discuss sugar/processed food addiction, the negative motives and biases that exist in the world of big pharma, big food, and “medical researchers” aka Fake News. AND She even lets us in on some of her latest research on the non-nutritive sweetener Stevia.
Food junkies Podcast Episode 8: Johnathan Cranford
Johnathan Cranford is the best selling author of The Sugar Demons: An Addicts Guide to Conquering Sugar Addiction. Johnathan is a former USA Boxing Coach & Certified CrossFit Trainer. He has 20 years of experience in the fitness industry & battling his sugar addiction.
Food Junkies Podcast Ep7: Dr. Ken Berry
Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Vera Tarman talk about the Proper Human Diet and why you may want to consider it when dealing with Sugar/Sweet Taste Addiction and Recovery.
Dr. Berry believes in Meaningful Research + Paleoanthropological Ancestry + Common-Sense and supports the Proper Human Diet concept.
He is the author of the bestseller Lies My Doctor Told Me which exposes myths and misleading health advice from well-meaning doctors, such as avoiding fat. He also has a very popular youtube channel and is part of the Diet Doctor low-carb expert panel.