8th Annual Quit Sugar Summit


Ready to get inspired to quit sugar? Please join us once again for the Quit Sugar Summit FREE every day Jan 24 to 30 Multiple experts talk about why and how to QUIT SUGAR!!! Register for the FREE Quit Sugar Summit

Food Junkies Podcast Episode 57: Dr. Ted Naiman


The long-awaited interview with Dr. Ted Naiman is finally ready for your listening ears! Don’t miss this conversation with Clarissa, Molly, and Dr. Naiman about protein and so much more!

The Truth About Weight Loss Summit Day 1


Day 1: The true cause of the obesity epidemic Speakers: Dr. Joan Ifland, Dr. Robert Lustig, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Hans Diehl, and Jill and Jeffrey Dalton Sign up now for the world premiere of this online event

Addictions Unplugged, The Power Is Ours