Food Junkies Podcast Episode 66: Nancy Kaley (COR Retreat)
Learn more about COR Retreat! Residential, affordable, 12-Step Based, and more!
Learn more about COR Retreat! Residential, affordable, 12-Step Based, and more!
Clarissa and Vera have a chat with Summer Innanen about body image!!
Clarissa and Molly talk to Amy about Food Addiction, goal weight, PCOS, breaking up with the scale, and MORE!
Vera interviewed Phil Werdell and Mary Foushi, two pioneers in the Food Addiction world. Be sure to check the show notes for some very special Give Big Challenge information!!!
Dr Tarman presents a full course designed for food addicts or those want to work with food addicts Includes: 18 video lessons (with transcripts), 3 interactive zoom meetings, useful PDFs
Clarissa and Molly spoke with Suzanne about Mindfulness, Meditation, Self-Compassion, and Shame!