Dr. Andrea Grayson is accomplished in numerous fields, including video production, marketing strategy, program development, and community engagement, and also conducts primary research and program evaluations. A life-long pursuer of health, wellness, and spirituality, she now has two primary areas of focus: empowering and inspiring healthy lifestyle changes through writing, talks, workshops, and online courses; and, pursuing policy solutions to create greater health equity.
Dr. Grayson has a background in news, education, and advertising/corporate media production, and is the co-founder of the production company It’s a Fine Mess! Productions. Her video productions have received national attention, including a 2015 Silver Award from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts.
Through presentations, workshops, and courses, Dr. Grayson provides information and inspiration for people to advance their health and fitness. Her current start-up is Breaking Free from Sugar, a one-month journey to reclaim your health for good.
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