Since our Vera needs no introduction we would like to take this opportunity to let you know of a few other ways YOU can receive support around food addiction.
Another incredible opportunity for a community and ongoing support is the 3-week course Dr. Vera Tarman is teaching on Sugar and Food addiction. The next enrollment starts September 26th – October 3rd. The course costs $167 US and the program is made up of 2 essential components: Modules and Lessons partnered with an Ongoing Support Group. Your own new recovery community led by the three of us!!
In This Episode, you Will Learn:
- Why your self-destructive behaviors around food are not your fault.
- How specific foods are engineered to hijack your brain chemistry.
- The role of hormones and neurotransmitters in creating and perpetuating cravings and urges around food.
- How “wanting,” “knowing,” and “doing” are controlled in the brain and how to make this work to your benefit.
- The differences between food addiction and various eating disorders and why this matters for diagnosis and treatment.
- The different stages of food addiction and which treatment approaches are best for each.
- The critical importance of social support in recovery from food addiction – why treatment must go beyond just the food.
- How to create a recovery plan that’s realistic, enjoyable, and sustainable, so you can achieve food freedom and reclaim your life.
- There is hope: no matter how far gone you feel, no matter how alone or out of control, you can recover from sugar and food addiction.