Today we have guest Anne Poirier who talks to Molly and I about how to become body joyful. Anne overcame her own eating, food, weight, and body image challenges. And, drawing upon close to 4 decades of experience, she wrote the book The Body Joyful to share her highly personal and life-changing journey. Furthermore, Anne is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Body Confidence Coach, and Eating Disorder Specialist
Anne is the leader of the Body Joyful Revolution, a non-diet, weight inclusive community for women who want to feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies and selves. Listen and learn how a simple shift of perspective around our thoughts and beliefs leads to completely different behaviors and outcomes. Also, you can choose to think differently about yourself. Our bodies are amazing vessels we get to experience our lives in, and they’re not a measure of our worth.
Anne’s mission is to support, encourage and inspire women of all sizes, shapes and to say ‘no to diets’, ‘reject society’s thin ideal’ and heal from diet culture. Her book the Body Joyful provides insights and strategies and is a roadmap to help you shift the way you think, act, and live. Inspiring and empowering, this relatable story offers the reader permission to find self-worth, hope, healing, and transformation, regardless of weight, size or shape.
In This Episode, you Will Learn:
- Why Body Neutrality rather than Body Positivity and how can the Body Positivity movement be harmful?
- The Steps to Body Neutrality
- How do we break free from diet culture
- Some coping strategies/tools and/or actionable steps you teach around emotional eating, stress eating? (Self-Care practices?)
- Her thoughts on the scale.
- How can we clean up our social media
- Some actionable things anyone can start doing today to work on their body image. Body Joyful Revolution