Julia Ross is the Director of The Craving Cure Virtual Clinic and The NeuroNutrient Therapy Institute based in Mill Valley, California. She is the author of The Diet Cure, The Mood Cure, and The Craving Cure; she has been the subject of many articles in publications from Vogue Magazine to The Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. Her articles have been published in the Journal of the American Psychological Association, Counselor Magazine, Practical Pain Management, and the Townsend Letter elsewhere. She has frequently appeared as an expert on radio, television, and the internet: An NBC special on The Mood Cure’s approach to depression was aired several times throughout the U.S., and a CBN special on how amino acid therapies eliminate food cravings generated 50,000 calls to the producers.
- Julia shares her Personal/Professional Journey to amino acid/nutritional therapy
- How addiction treatment was different in the 70s & 80s compared to today?
- How “frequent junk food assaults” can create “trauma” in the brain
- The link between stress and cravings
- The number one cause of carbohydrate cravings
- More specifics about the protocols for amino acids
- What medications to be mindful of with amino acid therapy
- Does this intervention work for eating disorders as well