Col. Philip Blair, MD, is a board-certified Family Physician licensed in Washington State. He graduated from West Point in 1972, attended the University of Miami School of Medicine, and trained as a family physician. He had assignments in Georgia, Louisiana, Washington, Oklahoma, Texas, Hawaii, Kansas, Italy, Korea, Germany, and the Gulf War. After retiring from the Army in 1996 he managed workers injuries and provided primary care above the Arctic Circle in Alaska. He also provided services in Kodiac Island and Newfoundland, Canada.
In 2000 he became Vice President for Disease Management at AWAC, Inc., a medical management company, where he co-developed a highly successful interventional approach to chronic kidney disease. In 2011 he formed his own company consulting for employer-based health insurers and providing a revolutionary style of chronic disease management achieving success in over 75% of patients with diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. “Our program is truly focused on patients and helping them navigate our complicated health care system,” emphasizes Dr. Blair. Much of the program is about empowering individual patients to make lifestyle changes and coaching them through the difficult transitions until they realize success. And, then helping them maintain their positive outcomes for life.
Dr. Blair continues to explore new therapeutic approaches to chronic problems supported by medical evidence and clinical results including whole-body vibration, low-dose naltrexone, and cannabidiol. These new areas show exceptional promise and success with little or no adverse effects.
In today’s episode:
- His personal story
- The endocannabinoid system and appetite
- CB1 & CB2 receptors
- Beta-caryophyllene
- His product (buyer beware Food Junkies does not endorse any products by our guests)